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Am 22.02. ab 16 Uhr gehen wir in Darmstadt auf die Straßen und setzen ein Zeichen für Demokratie, Vielfalt, Inklusion und ein Wahlalter ab 16 Jahren! Schließ dich uns an und mach dich stark für eine gerechtere Zukunft!

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Zusammen für junge Menschen!
Zusammen für junge Menschen!

 ✘ FAQ 

#LassMaWählen is an initiative advocating for the voting age to be lowered to 16 for federal elections in Germany. Our goal is to give young people a voice in political decisions and involve them more actively in democratic processes.

Young people aged 16 and older already take on responsibilities in school, training, and volunteer work. They are directly impacted by political decisions, such as in education policies or climate protection. It’s only fair to let them participate in shaping those decisions.

#LassMaWählen is supported by committed young people and organizations like the Children and Youth Advocacy of Hesse (KiJuIV Hessen). Together, we stand up for the political rights of youth.

You can support us by:

    •    Sharing our content on social media.

    •    Signing our petition.

    •    Joining our campaigns – contact us through our contact form!

Yes, several countries like Austria, Scotland, and Malta allow young people to vote at 16. Experiences there show that younger voters are informed and engaged.

You can:

    •    Get involved in youth organizations.

    •    Talk to representatives or political parties in your area.

    •    Attend #LassMaWählen events and actions.

You can find all the latest news, events, and actions on our website under the “News” section and on our social media channels.

Political education helps people understand societal issues and make informed decisions. Lowering the voting age to 16 will emphasize the importance of political education even further.

If the voting age is lowered to 16, we will establish a foundation for stronger youth participation. We will continue to advocate for expanded political education and greater inclusion of young people in decision-making processes.

Feel free to reach out to us via the contact form on our website or email us at


We look forward to hearing from you